Staff Member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Physiology is the science that delves into the physical and chemical mechanisms that have led to the origin, development and progression of life. While every organism, single celled to mammoths and trees, has its own unique physiology, medical students gain an understanding of human physiology, which explains the synergy between cells, tissues, organs and organ systems for the normal functioning of the human body. In the duration of the MBBS Physiology programme students will set the foundation of their understanding of the functioning of the human body, by linking the basic sciences with medicine, a knowledge they will then build on as they progress through their professional education into diseases and their management and clinical practice.
The course has been designed to introduce the student to a theoretical and practical understanding of the specific and integrated mechanisms of various human organ system of the human body through detailed didactic lectures, small group discussions and practical sessions – both hands on and demonstrations. They learn to integrate their understanding in human physiology to anatomical structures and biochemical reactions. They will also have the opportunity to apply this knowledge in clinical scenarios through short clinical sessions. The programme also aims at kindling in students a spark of physiological research, as the discovery of the human body is unceasing.
At the end of the course the students will have gained the knowledge of the human body’s function, proficiency in the use of simple techniques, mechanical instruments and computer based experiments to measure these functions and the skills necessary to clinically assess a patient.
Biography of instructor/staff member #1
Biography of instructor/staff member #2
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