The MBBS course in human anatomy is a foundational component of medical education, providing aspiring doctors with a deep understanding of the intricate structure and function of the human body. This comprehensive program delves into the study of the human body's organs, tissues, and systems, fostering a profound appreciation for the complexity and resilience of the human organism. Students enrolled in this course engage in extensive dissection of cadavers, gaining hands-on experience that is invaluable in building a strong foundation in anatomy. They learn about the musculoskeletal, cardiovascular, respiratory, gastrointestinal, and nervous systems, among others, developing the knowledge and skills necessary for diagnosing and treating medical conditions. The MBBS program in human anatomy not only equips future healthcare professionals with the anatomical expertise needed to excel in their careers but also instills a deep sense of responsibility towards the care and well-being of their future patients.
Phase 1 MBBS Subjects
2 Years
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